I have decided to bring CineCultania Podcast to a proper end. Medical bills, tech issues, time constraints & the lack of a steady co-host have forced me to reconsider my attempts to keep it alive. Unfortunately the back episodes will no longer be on any server. It's all over.
Thanks to everyone who supported us along the way, it was a great time while it lasted.
I hope to continue chatting to everyone through Twitter, the Palavr forums, & through the feedback of a variety of excellent podcasts such as The Gentlemen's Guide to Midnight Cinema, Outside The Cinema, ShowShow, Chinstroker Vs Punter, Boxcutters, Night of the Living Podcast, Girl's On Film & Mondo Movie.
Thanks again, it's meant a lot to me.
17 November, 2010
06 November, 2010
EPISODE FIFTEEN: O Captain, My Captain!
In which Ben & Drew begin getting a podcasting rhythm going, just as things go horribly awry & kind of awesome all at once in this weeks film selections, Phillipe Mora's The Return of Captain Invincible, & Captain Power & The Soldies of the Future (not a movie!). We also discuss some recent straight to DVD horror efforts & promote cider.
Email us at cinecultania@gmail.com, follow us on Twitter or find us on iTunes
05 November, 2010
CineCult303: Screening of Lady Terminator
Just a reminder to check out our film night CineCult303 which will be screening the 1980s Indonesian cult classic, Lady Terminator.
Coming up next month, another trash masterpiece in honour of the yuletide season... Silent Night Deadly Night Part 2.
Go to CineCult303 for more details!
Just a reminder to check out our film night CineCult303 which will be screening the 1980s Indonesian cult classic, Lady Terminator.
Coming up next month, another trash masterpiece in honour of the yuletide season... Silent Night Deadly Night Part 2.
Go to CineCult303 for more details!
30 October, 2010
EPISODE FOURTEEEN: Crocspastic (Part One)
In which Drew & Ben begin the ongoing Crocspastic extravaganza. Nothing but crocodile films, right here, right now, & again at some later date. In our first edition, we reach deep into the swampy mists of the 1980s for the Italian KILLER CROCODILE & the Australian DARK AGE.
Email us at cinecultania@gmail.com or follow us at twitter.com/cinecultania
DOWNLOAD EPISODE 14 or follow us on iTunes
27 October, 2010
In which CineCultania makes a less than dramatic or sober return to dual host podcasting! Ben returns with new co-host Drew. It's a bit of a mess, not helped by Roger Christian's Starship (AKA Lorca & The Outlaws AKA 2084), as Drew adjusts to hearing his voice & Ben struggles with lounge room recording on an EeePC with multiple headset adapters. This is the future folks, enjoy!
WARNING: MAY CONTAIN LOST RELATED SPOILERS (which Drew claims are not spoilers due to the revelations sucking)
DOWNLOAD EPISODE #13 HERE or follow us on iTunes
Email or MP3 voicemail us at cinecultania@gmail.com, or follow us on Twitter
14 August, 2010
SPECIAL: MIFFeCultania Episode #2
In which Ben goes over the final days of his Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF) experience. Films discussed include Mark Hartley's Machete Maidens Unleashed, Rubber, Joe Dante's The Movie Orgy, Nostalgia for the Light, Fassbinder's World on a Wire, Godard's Film Socialisme, & a brief examination of the similarities between Scott Pilgrim Vs The World & Inception.
Download episode HERE or subscribe to us on iTunes
Email us at
30 July, 2010
SPECIAL: MIFFeCultania Episode #1
In which Ben returns with his first frontline report on the 59th Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF). Thoughts on nihilistic Russians in MY JOY, the 'if Adult Swim made a documentary' THE JUCHE IDEA, madmen & good ol' boys in THE KILLER INSIDE ME & the joke killing CITY OF LIFE AND DEATH.
DOWNLOAD EPISODE HERE or subscribe to us on iTunes
Email us at cinecultania@gmail.com or call us on 206-888-1761 or stalk CineCultania on Twitter
08 June, 2010
EPISODE TWELVE: Rambling Return
In which Alex & Ben return to the world of podcasting. A minor error occurs in which the 1st 24mins are repeated once, so skip forward a bit. Apologies. We discuss what has been happening during our absence, what films we have been watching, & cover an extensive & hilarious selection of feedback.
Email us at cinecultania@gmail.com or call us on 206-888-1761 or stalk CineCultania on Twitter
Email us at cinecultania@gmail.com or call us on 206-888-1761 or stalk CineCultania on Twitter
12 April, 2010
Bonus Interview! Andrew O'Neill: Occult Comedian
In which Alex & Ben interview Andrew O'Neill, occult comedian, ex-film student, & all-round engaging & funny guy from the UK. A passion for Terry Gilliam is aroused, Alan Moore's gargoyles are discussed, & Andrew reveals the power of ritual magic in comedy. Also, the usual bollocks without which CineCultania wouldn't be CineCultania.
Email us at cinecultania@gmail.com or call us on 206-888-1761
Stalk CineCultania on Twitter or stalk Andrew O'Neill or for you multitaskers, stalk us both! Andrew can also be found at his website, but only in HTML form
10 April, 2010
In which Alex & Ben take a walk on the lighter side of life with Nadia Tass' The Big Steal (1990) & Richard Benjamin's Marci X (2003). Yes, we are taking it easy on Alex, & she is putting Ben through the ringer with Lisa Kudrow & Damon Wayans. They keep it real, bringing the same forceful retardation to comedy as they do to horror & whacked out cinema. Or something.
DOWNLOAD EPISODE 11 HERE or find us iTunes
Email or MP3 voicemail us at cinecultania@gmail.com, call us on 206-888-1761 or follow us on Twittter
WARNING: CineCultania contains coarse language & Australians
27 March, 2010
NEWS: CineCult303 Short Short Film Fest!
During the month of April & May, our beloved Bar303, 303 High St, Northcote, will be celebrating it's 10th anniversary!
CineCult303 is getting in on the party by turning the screen over to the people. So instead of our regular freaky film, Tuesday May 11th will be the Short Short Film Festival!
If you have a short film that was made in the last 10 years, is under 10 minutes in length and was produced in Victoria, Australia, then we want to hear from you.
So please email us at cinecultania@gmail.com if you are interested in submitting a film.
Please tell your friends, spread the word, CineCult303 wants to help film makers get their works seen and support 303 on it's 10th birthday with a rocking good time!
& be sure to join the CineCult303 Facebook group for screening updates
CineCult303 is getting in on the party by turning the screen over to the people. So instead of our regular freaky film, Tuesday May 11th will be the Short Short Film Festival!
If you have a short film that was made in the last 10 years, is under 10 minutes in length and was produced in Victoria, Australia, then we want to hear from you.
So please email us at cinecultania@gmail.com if you are interested in submitting a film.
Please tell your friends, spread the word, CineCult303 wants to help film makers get their works seen and support 303 on it's 10th birthday with a rocking good time!
& be sure to join the CineCult303 Facebook group for screening updates
26 March, 2010
EPISODE TEN: Hackolytes
In which Alex & Ben delve into the dark, creepy & occasionally gory world of serial killers & cannibals. Bring your knives to the stabbing party for Acolytes (2008) & Dying Breed (2008), both recent entries in the Australian horror revival. Can they churn our guts? Do they strike fear into the hearts of man & woman? Are cannibals more entertaining thann serial killers? Maybe these questions will be answered in this thrilling episode of CineCultania! Or we'll just blather on about snacks & stick our faces deep into the gutter.
Download Episode 10 Here
Email us at cinecultania@gmail.com! Find us on Twitter! Or subscribe to us & write us a review on iTunes!
Warning: CineCultania contains coarse language & daftness & really isn't much better than a Carry On film.
18 March, 2010
In which Alex & Ben set forth on the grand adventure that is the NEDtacular! It's a trilogy of Nedness, featuring Tony Richardson's Ned Kelly (1970) starring Mick Jagger, Gregor Jordan's Ned Kelly (2003) starring Heath Ledger & Abe Forsythe's Ned (2003) starring Abe Forsythe! Plus loads of fantastic feedback & total inanity on our part. It's Nedtastic!
Send all feedback to cinecultania@gmail.com, follow us on Twitter or find us on iTunes.
Warning: CineCultania contains lots of coarse language & discussion of performances so terrible they are offensive. In addition, this episode is a little bit queer, but for that we blame Mick Jagger.
Download episode 9 right this very instant!
06 March, 2010
EPISODE EIGHT: Trashed And Melted
In which Alex, Ben & special guest Eugene investigate the horrific debris of Street Trash (1987) and wipe off the grue after Body Melt (1993). Experience the joy of Alex & Eugene's trauma at the hands of some seriously messed up cinema as CineCultania goes to the limits of bad taste. It's American melt movie versus Australian melt movie! Who will survive and what will be left of them!?!?!
Warning: CineCultania contains coarse language & assorted terrible things. Listen at your own risk!
Download Episode 8
Please send all feedback, comments, suggestions & general communication via email or MP3 voicemail to cinecultania@gmail.com
Follow us on Twitter or subscribe to us on iTunes & leave us a review.
A terrible quality VHS rip of Body Melt is available on youtube, but this film deserves better than that so go buy or rent it you tight arse.
26 February, 2010
EPISODE SEVEN: Claudia Cardinale & Woop Woop In A Pineapple Glaze
In which Alex and Ben examine two films that deal with the horrors of marriage and foreigners in Australia in very different ways. First off is the largely forgotten Italian comedy A Girl In Australia (1971) starring Claudia Cardinale and Alberto Sordi, and finally the modern ozsploitation, Stephen Elliot's Welcome To Woop Woop (1997). It is essential to eat pineapple chunks and crack open a XXXX beer while listening to this episode, and wear your pants high!
Download Episode 7 now!
Please send all feedback and MP3 voicemails to cinecultania@gmail.com
Follow us on twitter or subscribe to us on iTunes and leave us a review.
20 February, 2010
EPISODE SIX: Strictly Boofing at Hanging Rock
In which Alex & Ben give representation to two well known & much loved Australian classics, Peter Weir's Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975) & Baz Luhrmann's Strictly Ballroom (1992). Will they 'much love' on them, or will the tides turn against these cinematic exercises in stillness & hyperactivity? General blathering will also occur, along with a fair dose of coarse language, bad accents, bad pronounciation, and, for that matter, bad lots of things. Angola!
Download the latest episode right now!
Send all feedback and MP3 voicemails to cinecultania@gmail.com
Follow us on Twitter or subscribe to us on iTunes and leave us a review please :) or vote for us on Podcast Alley
09 February, 2010
EPISODE FIVE: Frogging Delirious Bandits
In which Alex and Ben enter into a state of delerium while discussing a double dose of 1980s kids adventure films as directed by the legendary Brian Trenchard-Smith: Frog Dreaming (1986) and BMX Bandits (1983). Frog Dreaming is also known as The Go-Kids and The Quest, which leads to discussion on terrible international name changes. In addition, Alex's secret fears are revealed, Ben fails at accents, and other stuff happens. It's all terribly exciting, especially when combined with tea and a biscuit.
Download the latest episode now!
Contact us on cinecultania@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter and be sure to subscribe to us on iTunes
Frog Dreaming is currently not available on DVD but can be found on YouTube, the first episode is right behind this link!
03 February, 2010
SPECIAL: Desperately Seeking Adam Spellicy at Accents Anonymous
In which Alex & Ben interview film-maker & film programmer Adam Spellicy about independent film production, surviving a shoot in a peep show, the similarities between music & film making, the documentary American Movie, and whatever else comes to mind. We also set out to offend Tasmanians and Americans of the South, and apologies to Pierre Clementi (the guy with holes in his socks) and David Spade and Patrick Warburton for amalgamating them.
Download the latest episode RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!
Contact us at cinecultania@gmail.com or find us on Twitter or subscribe to us on iTunes
If you'd like to become an executive producer on Adam Spellicy's next project, click here to donate viia PayPal
Download the latest episode RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!
Contact us at cinecultania@gmail.com or find us on Twitter or subscribe to us on iTunes
If you'd like to become an executive producer on Adam Spellicy's next project, click here to donate viia PayPal
26 January, 2010
EPISODE THREE: The Howling Were-supials of Oz!
In which Alex and Ben discuss the Australian comedy/horror oddity, Philippe Mora's The Howling 3: The Marsupials (1987). Warning: contains werewolf nuns & women with pouches! Follow us as we delve into the history of how this weird film came to exist! Hear Ben rant about Zombieland, now with more critical zombie theory! Feel Alex's pain as she attempts to keep the show from derailing! Quake in fear as Ben drowns in coca-cola ("Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the fizzy..")!
Be sure to vote by Monday 1st Feb for which film we will traumatise Alex with! Will it be Street Trash? Crimes of Passion? or Cannibal Apocalypse? Email your vote or let us know via Twitter.
Download the latest episode right here!
Please send all feedback and queries to cinecultania@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter!
If you enjoy the show please subscribe and leave a review for CineCultania on iTunes
& be sure to vote for us on Podcast Alley. Help us get noticed and share our love around.
For info on free monthly screenings at Bar303, Northcote, Victoria. February is Hercules Returns! click here
25 January, 2010
NEWS: Free Film Screening at CineCult303
The Australian comedy Hercules Returns will be screening for free at Bar303 in Northcote, Victoria on Tuesday 16th February at 7.30pm.
For more information check the CineCult303 blog or check out the Facebook community
For more information check the CineCult303 blog or check out the Facebook community
23 January, 2010
NEWS: CineCultania Twitter Feed!
For all your cinema tweeting needs....well....for some of your cinema tweeting needs!
Find CineCultania on Twitter now!
Find CineCultania on Twitter now!
21 January, 2010
EPISODE TWO: Get A Haircut, Squared!
In which Alex and Ben begin their quest to uncover the wealth of Australia cinema with Warwick Thornton's Samson and Delilah (2009), an Australian Aboriginal romantic drama, and Nash and Joel Edgerton's The Square (2008), noir Aussie style.
Also featuring ultra-brief discussions on In The Loop, Australian box office and film financing, what's showing around Melbourne this week, and whatever else falls out of our heads.
Download CineCultania Episode 2!
Please send all feedback and queries to cinecultania@gmail.com
If you enjoy the show please subscribe and leave a review for CineCultania on iTunes
For info on free monthly screenings at Bar303, Northcote, Victoria click here
Next week on CineCultania we uncover Philipe Mora's Howling 3: The Marsupials!
Both these trailers are spoiler free. However, the tone of the Samson & Delilah trailer is more suited to The Square and vice versa. Very odd.
Also featuring ultra-brief discussions on In The Loop, Australian box office and film financing, what's showing around Melbourne this week, and whatever else falls out of our heads.
Download CineCultania Episode 2!
Please send all feedback and queries to cinecultania@gmail.com
If you enjoy the show please subscribe and leave a review for CineCultania on iTunes
For info on free monthly screenings at Bar303, Northcote, Victoria click here
Next week on CineCultania we uncover Philipe Mora's Howling 3: The Marsupials!
Both these trailers are spoiler free. However, the tone of the Samson & Delilah trailer is more suited to The Square and vice versa. Very odd.
13 January, 2010
EPISODE ONE: The Introduction
Alex & Ben welcome you to the premiere episode of CineCultania, in which we discuss our top three of the decade & top three of 2009. Future episodes will contain more Australian film content & (perhaps) be less chaotic. For now, on our first podcast joyride, we stretch our legs, have some fun and see where the audio cables lead us.
Download Episode One
Subscribe to CineCultania through iTunes
Please send all feedback or queries to cinecultania@gmail.com
Coming next week, reviews of Aussie crime thriller The Square & Aboriginal drama Samson & Delilah.
For info on free monthly film screenings at Bar303 in Melbourne, visit CineCult
My Podcast Alley feed!
Download Episode One
Subscribe to CineCultania through iTunes
Please send all feedback or queries to cinecultania@gmail.com
Coming next week, reviews of Aussie crime thriller The Square & Aboriginal drama Samson & Delilah.
For info on free monthly film screenings at Bar303 in Melbourne, visit CineCult
My Podcast Alley feed!
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